Few things compare to buying your first home, after much effort and dedication, you have finally managed to materialize this, one of the most important goals of any worker or family.
But before you sign the final contract, there is one very important thing you should do that you often overlook: we are, of course, referring to requesting a deep roof inspection.
This inspection is important because it will detect serious problems in the roof structure, which were probably not discovered by the tenant or the former owner.
This rarely happens out of malice, but for the simple reason that not many people are aware of the importance of constantly checking roofs and maintaining them relatively frequently. After all, if the rest of the property is in good condition, why wouldn’t the roof be?
By doing this inspection, you will know the real state of the property and will be able to know if the expense that the repairs will entail, if needed, are within your current budget, or even if you can make an arrangement with the seller to include the cost. of repairs within the cost of the property.
Your house is a heritage, make sure you receive what you really need.